What is electrolysis? Electrolysis is permanent hair removal which requires a series of treatments.  It was invented in 1875 by Dr. Charles Michel, an opthalmologist, in order to remove an ingrown eyelash. How does it work? A sterile, disposable probe is inserted into the hair follicle, which is a natural opening in the skin, and a small amount of electrical current cauterizes and destroys the dermal papilla (the source of nourishment of the hair). Tweezers  are used to slide the hair out without resistance.  What does it feel like? You will feel a sensation of heat during the treatment.  Some body parts are more sensitive than others, and tolerance varies from person to person.  Prescription and non-prescription topical anesthetics may be used for those who feel the need.   How many treatments will I need? The number of treatments necessary will depend upon several factors including  the amount of hair being treated, the growth cycles of hair, the previous method of hair removal used, heredity, hormone function, and normal physiologic changes.  Most clients will see permanent results in approximately one year to a year and a half when they follow the recommended treatment schedule. If the client has an underlying medical condition that causes excessive hair growth (hirsutism) it must be addressed for permanent results to be seen. How often will I need a treatment? That depends upon how much hair you have and how often you were removing it with temporary methods of hair removal.